Salesforce Application – Volunteers

As a good starting point, take a look at:

AppExchange Speed Dating: Volunteer Management – an excellent YouTube video of a March 2014 webinar hosted by that featured demos of three, very different Apps that integrate with  Hands-On-Connect; Skillanthropy (Bankers without Borders – a Grameen Foundation initiative); and Volunteers for Salesforce.

Then, click on the following links to navigate to the detailed pages for:

Volunteers for Salesforce application

Hands on Connect application

And from the Saleforce AppExchange:

V4S Mobile – an App by Impel LLC – lets Nonprofits that use Volunteers for Salesforce engage better with their Volunteers. V4S Personal for individuals; V4S Kiosk for shared devices. Say NO to signup sheets, whiteboards, Excel. You’re busy, they’re busy; simplify volunteering!

Volunteer Management – an App by Salesforce Labs – enables easy management of volunteer events/activities and tracks user and/or contact participation. Also allows you to manage users and contacts as potential volunteers and provides easy searching for volunteer events via

Face to Face Fundraise (Collectekracht in Dutch) – an App by CISIS (Change & Information Systems Implementation Services) BV – an integrated approach to engagement and fundraising.

Kizuna Event Management – an App by Salesforce Labs – Salesforce Kizuna (Japanese word meaning “bond”) Application, allows you to save time and reduce administrative costs in terms of recruiting volunteers for events at Website, managing their check-in process at each event, tracking volunteer hours.